Halfblad replied

335 weeks ago

Blue Vengeance Full Movie 720p Download > DOWNLOAD

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Considered too dangerous to be on the force, ex-cop Mickey McCardle is tormented by the brutal murder of his partner. When a serial killer begins to stalk the streets of New York, McCardle senses that the same man responsible for his partner's death is to blame. Obsessed by his suspicions, McCardle must rise from the shambles of his life and take up a trail of revenge.
Blue Vengeance (1989) <br/><br/>** (out of 4)<br/><br/>Detective McCardle (J. Christian Ingvordsen) is a washed up officer who is still haunted from accidentally shooting his partner while trying to track down a serial killer known as Trax (Mark Weiner). In the present day, Trax breaks out of his mental hospital but he is believed to have been killed. McCardle knows that&#39;s not the case but he can&#39;t prove it to anyone so he quickly loses his mind while trying to track the killer down.<br/><br/>Not only does J. Christian Ingvordsen act in this film but he also wrote, produced and directed it. I&#39;ll be honest and say that BLUE VENGEANCE didn&#39;t quite work for me but at the same time I really enjoyed what Ingvordsen was able to do and in fact I give him a lot of credit trying to do what he did. This is the type of film that tries to do a lot of things and in all honesty it probably tries to do too much but at the same time there are some interesting elements here that keep the film fairly entertaining.<br/><br/>The film basically has two different and rather full plots going on. You&#39;ve got the stuff dealing with the cop who is haunted by his past and it continues to do damage to him today. You&#39;ve also got the serial killer and his strange reasons, which are detailed as well. Both of these stories eventually collide together and for the most part there&#39;s some mild entertainment to be found. With that being said, I don&#39;t think either story is full developed and I couldn&#39;t help but think that it probably would have worked better had the film focused on one or the other.<br/><br/>As I said, there were some elements that I did like and that includes the two lead performances. I really thought Weiner was very good in the role of the killer and made for a great villain. I also liked the music score, which fit the film perfectly. Another bonus is that the film was shot in New York City so we get some great locations to look at. <br/><br/>BLUE VENGEANCE is certainly a flawed movie that doesn&#39;t completely work but at the same time I give the filmmakers credit for at least attempting something with so much going on in it.
Unhinged convicted murderer Mark Trex (robustly played with full-tilt gonzo relish by John Weiner) escapes from prison and heads for New York City to track down and kill the members of his favorite hard rock band Warriors of the Inferno. It&#39;s up to loose cannon detective Mickey McCardle (a solid performance by J. Christian Ingvordsen, who also co-directed and co-wrote the loopy script) and brash punk photographer Tiffany O&#39;Brian (a winningly spunky portrayal by fetching redhead Garland Hunter) to stop Trex. <br/><br/>Directors/writers Ingvordsen and Danny Kucheck keep the enjoyably nutty story hurtling along at a brisk pace, make neat use of various gritty Big Apple locations that include Times Square and the legendary rock club CBGB&#39;s, deliver gobs of bloody violence and graphic gore, maintain a tense off-kilter tone throughout, and stage an exciting foot chase through a train station and across a bridge with rousing go-for-it gusto. The climactic jousting match between Trex and McCadle has to be seen to be (dis)believed. Steve Kaman&#39;s slick cinematography provides an impressive polished look as well as provides several cool trippy visuals (Trex&#39;s wacky medieval visions are a hoot to behold). A gnarly little flick.

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